This section reviews the area, line and point styles built into Global Mapper.

Area Styles

Using the Area Styles panel users can configure how areas of a given type will be displayed in Global Mapper. Area fill, border style and color can be modified on a type-by-type basis. The Show Labels for Areas of This Type option allows users to turn area labels off on a type-by-type basis.

Area Types are shown in the Global Mapper Area Types table. Tables showing the Global Mapper Fill Patterns and Border Styles follow the Area Types table.

Global Mapper recognizes five field attributes as containing information for the display appearence of an Area Type. They are:


The "FILL_ALPHA=" field attribute is recognized by Global Mapper to set an Area Type's transparency. Values for "FILL_ALPHA=" range from 0 (Transparent) to 255 (Opaque). To determine the transparency value setting simply multiply the percentage by 255 and round off to the nearest integer (e.g. 75% transparency 0.75 x 255 = 191.25, use 191).

As an example, the default field attributes for the Anchorage Area Type are:

GM_TYPE=Anchorage Area
BORDER_STYLE=Comb (Right Only)

To change the type's transparency to 35% the FILL_ALPHA field attribute value should be set equal to 89 (0.35 x 255 = 89.25).

GM_TYPE=Anchorage Area
BORDER_STYLE=Comb (Right Only)

Area Types

Global Mapper's View --> Background Color... color designation influences which areas can be seen. Any area whose color is the same as the Global Mapper Backgrond Color will not be seen. Example, for a white Background Color (RGB 255,255,255), the Snow or Glacier Area will not be visible.

Global Mapper Built-In Area Types
Area Type Example Fill Pattern Fill Color Border Width Border Style Border Color
Anchorage Area No Fill 0,0,0 1 Comb (Right Only) 0,0,0
City Park Solid Fill 0,235,0 1 Null 0,0,0
Country No Fill 0,0,0 1 Solid 0,0,0
County No Fill 0,0,0 2 Solid 0,0,0
County Subdivision No Fill 0,0,0 2 Solid 128,128,128
Coverage/Quad No Fill 0,0,0 1 Solid 0,0,0
Cropland Solid Fill 183,183,0 1 Null 0,0,0
Dry Lakebed Intermittent Water Pattern 132,130,255 1 Null 0,0,0
Intermittent Lake Intermittent Water Pattern 132,130,255 1 Null 0,0,0
Intermittent Stream/River Intermittent Water Pattern 132,130,255 1 Null 0,0,0
Intertidal Area Solid Fill 192,240,188 1 Null 0,0,0
Island No Fill 0,0,0 1 Solid 0,0,0
Isobath Area Solid Fill 132,130,255 1 Null 0,0,0
Iso-height Area No Fill 0,0,0 1 Solid 128,64,0
Lake, < 0.5 sq. mi. Solid Fill 0,0,211 1 Null 0,0,0
Lake, > 500 sq. mi. Solid Fill 0,0,211 1 Null 0,0,0
Lake, 0.5 - 1 sq. mi. Solid Fill 0,0,211 1 Null 0,0,0
Lake, 1 - 5 sq. mi. Solid Fill 0,0,211 1 Null 0,0,0
Lake, 10 - 30 sq. mi. Solid Fill 0,0,211 1 Null 0,0,0
Lake, 100 - 250 sq. mi. Solid Fill 0,0,211 1 Null 0,0,0
Lake, 250 - 500 sq. mi. Solid Fill 0,0,211 1 Null 0,0,0
Lake, 30 - 100 sq. mi. Solid Fill 0,0,211 1 Null 0,0,0
Lake, 5 - 10 sq. mi. Solid Fill 0,0,211 1 Null 0,0,0
Lake, Unknown Area Solid Fill 0,0,211 1 Null 0,0,0
Land Area Solid Fill 220,212,148 1 Null 0,0,0
Land Grant No Fill 0,0,0 2 Null 0,0,0
Large Metro Area Solid Fill 255,247,181 1 Null 0,0,0
Major National Park Solid Fill 0,235,0 1 Null 0,0,0
Major River Solid Fill 0,0,211 1 Null 0,0,0
Major State Park Solid Fill 0,235,0 1 Null 0,0,0
Map Catalog Layer Bounds Diagonal Cros-Hatch 255,64,64 1 Solid 0,0,255
Marine Info Area No Fill 255,0,255 1 Comb (Right Only) 255,0,0
Marine Traffic Area Backwards Diagonal Cross-Hatch 255,0,255 1 Solid 0,0,0
Measurement Horizontal Hatch 255,0,0 5 Striped 255,255,0
Metro Area Solid Fill 255,247,181 1 Null 0,0,0
Minor River Solid Fill 0,0,211 1 Null 0,0,0
Misc. Manmade Structure Solid Fill 255,64,64 1 Null 0,0,0
National Park Solid Fill 0,235,0 1 Null 0,0,0
Ocean Solid Fill 0,0,211 1 Null 0,0,0
Orchard or Plantation Solid Fill 255,128,0 1 Null 0,0,0
Range Ring No Fill 0,0,0 3 Solid 0,0,0
Reef Coral Pattern 255,0,0 1 Null 0,0,0
Regional River Solid Fill 0,0,211 1 Null 0,0,0
Reservation Solid Fill 255,0,0 1 Null 0,0,0
Rock Solid Fill 104,133,138 1 Null 0,0,0
Salt Salt Pattern 192,102,192 1 Null 0,0,0
Sand Sand Pattern 255,255,0 1 Null 0,0,0
Scattered Trees Solid Fill 0,255,0 1 Null 0,0,0
Scrub Area Diagonal Cross-Hatch 0,128,128 1 Null 0,0,0
Small Metro Area Solid Fill 255,247,181 1 Null 0,0,0
Snow or Glacier Solid Fill 255,255,255 1 Null 0,0,0
State No Fill 0,0,0 3 Solid 0,0,0
State Park Solid Fill 0,235,0 1 Null 0,0,0
Survey Section No Fill 0,0,0 2 Solid 0,0,0
TIN Face Area No Fill 0,0,0 1 Solid 0,0,0
Tundra Solid Fill 145,177,196 1 Null 0,0,0
Unclassified Area Feature No Fill 0,0,0 1 Solid 0,0,0
Unknown Area Type No Fill 0,0,0 1 Solid 0,0,0
View Shed Coverage Area No Fill 0,0,0 1 Solid 0,0,0
Wetland Solid Fill 125,191,167 1 Null 0,0,0
Wooded Area Backwards Diagonal Cross-Hatch 165,145,97 1 Null 0,0,0

Area Fill Patterns

Global Mapper Fill Patterns
Fill Pattern Example
No Fill
Solid Fill
Backwards Diagonal Cross-Hatch
Diagonal Cross-Hatch
Forward Diagonal Cross-Hatch
Horizontal Hatch
Vertical Hatch

Area Border Styles

Global Mapper Border Styles
Border Style Example
Dash - Dot
Dash - Dot - Dot
Comb (Left Only)
Comb (Right Only)
Comb (Long Teeth, Left Only)
Comb (Long_Teeth, Right Only)
Comb (Widely Spaced, Left Only)
Comb (Widely Spaced, Right Only)
Comb (Long & Short Teeth, Left Only)
Comb (Long & Short Teeth, Right Only)
Comb (Double Teeth, Left Only)
Comb (Double Teeth, Right Only)
Comb (Triplet, Left Only)
Comb (Triplet, Right Only)
Rake (Narrow Spaced, Left Only)
Rake (Narrow Spaced, Right Only)
Rake (Widely Spaced, Left Only)
Rake (Widely Spaced, Right Only)
Solid with Minus Signs on Left
Solid with Minus Signs on Right
Solid with Plus Signs on Left
Solid with Plus Signs on Right
Solid with Dots on Left
Solid with Dots on Right
Solid with Ts on Left
Solid with Ts on Right
Solid with Rectangles on Left
Solid with Rectangles on Right
Solid with Squares on Left
Solid with Squares on Right
Half Circles (Tightly Spaced, Left Only)
Half Circles (Tightly Spaced, Right Only)
Half Circles (Widely Spaced, Left Only)
Half Circles (Widely Spaced, Right Only)
Solid with Diamonds on Left
Solid with Diamonds on Right
V Track (Opens Towards End of Null Line)
V Track (Opens Towards Start of Null Line)
C Track (Opens Towards End of Line)
C Track (Opens Towards Start of Line)
Arrow Track (Points Towards Start of Line)
Arrow Track (Points Towards End of Line)
V Track (Opens Towards End of Solid Line)
V Track (Opens Towards Start of Solid Line)
Solid with Xs Through Line
Solid with Diamonds along Line
Solid with Empty Diamonds along Line
Solid with Circles along Line
Solid with Empty Circles along Line
Solid with Arrow Pointing to Start
Solid with Arrow Pointing to End
Solid with Empty Circle at Start
Solid with Empty Circle at End
Solid with Black Edges