This section reviews the area, line and point styles built into Global Mapper.

Line Styles

Upper line shows line types normal appearance. Lower line shows how line type appears when "Display Roads As Fat Lines When Zoomed In" option is checked and display is zoomed in.

Global Mapper's View --> Background Color... color designation influences which lines can be seen. Any line whose color is the same as the Global Mapper Backgrond Color will not be seen. Example, for a white Background Color (RGB 255,255,255), the Processing/Closure Line will not be visible.

Global Mapper Built-In Line Types
Line Type Example Drawing Style Line Width Line Color
Airport Runway Solid 1 0,0,0
Alley or Driveway Solid 1 128,128,128
Arterial Road Solid 2 0,128,0
Bathymetric Contour, Intermediate Solid 2 132,130,255
Bathymetric Contour, Major Solid 3 132,130,255
Bathymetric Contour, Minor Solid 1 132,130,255
Bathymetric Contour, Supplementary Solid 1 132,130,255
City Boundary Solid 1 0,0,0
Collector Road Solid 1 255,128,0
Contour Line, Intermediate Solid 2 128,64,0
Contour Line, Major Solid 3 128,64,0
Contour Line, Minor Solid 1 128,64,0
Contour Line, Supplementary Solid 1 128,64,0
County Route Solid 2 255,0,255
Deleted Line Dash 1 192,192,192
Digitizer Tool Line Striped 5 255,255,0
Dry Stream or River Dot 1 0,0,211
Ferry Route Solid 1 255,128,0
Grid Line Solid 1 128,128,128
Grid Line - Major Solid 2 128,128,128
Grid Line - Minor Solid 1 128,128,128
Intermittent Stream or River Dash 1 0,0,211
International Political Boundary Solid 6 0,0,0
Interstate Solid 3 132,130,255
Invisible Boundary Dot 1 192,192,192
Major Political Boundary (State) Solid 5 128,128,128
Major/US Highway Solid 2 255,64,64
Marine Route Solid 1 0,0,0
Measurement Striped 5 255,255,0
Minor Political Boundary (County) Solid 4 0,0,0
Park Boundary Solid 1 0,255,0
Pipeline Dash 1 128,128,128
Powerline Dash - Dot 1 128,128,128
Processing/Closure Line Solid 2 255,255,255
Railroad Railroad 1 0,0,0
Railroad, Class 1A Railroad 1 0,0,0
Railroad, Class 1B Railroad 1 0,0,0
Ramp Solid 1 0,255,255
Residential Road Solid 1 128,128,128
River, < 20 km Solid 1 0,0,211
River, > 250 km Solid 3 0,0,211
River, 100 - 250 km Solid 3 0,0,211
River, 20 - 50 km Solid 2 0,0,211
River, 50 - 100 km Solid 2 0,0,211
River, Unknown Length Solid 1 0,0,211
Selected Line Dash 1 2550,0,0
Shoreline Solid 1 0,0,0
State Highway Solid 2 255,0,255
Stream Solid 1 0,0,211
Tracklog Dash 1 0,0,0
Trail Solid 1 128,128,128
Unclassified Line Feature Solid 1 128,128,128
Unknown Line Type Solid 1 0,0,0
Unpaved Road Solid 1 128,128,128

Drawing Styles

Global Mapper Drawing Styles
Drawing Style Example
Dash - Dot
Dash - Dot - Dot
Comb (Left Only)
Comb (Right Only)
Comb (Long Teeth, Left Only)
Comb (Long Teeth, Right Only)
Comb (Widely Spaced, Left Only)
Comb (Widely Spaced, Right Only)
Comb (Long & Short Teeth, Left Only)
Comb (Long & Short Teeth, Right Only)
Comb (Double Teeth, Left Only)
Comb (Double Teeth, Right Only)
Comb (Triplet, Left Only)
Comb (Triplet, Right Only)
Rake (Narrow Spaced, Left Only)
Rake (Narrow Spaced, Right Only)
Rake (Widely Spaced, Left Only)
Rake (Widely Spaced, Right Only)
Solid with Minus Signs on Left
Solid with Minus Signs on Right
Solid with Plus Signs on Left
Solid with Plus Signs on Right
Solid with Dots on Left
Solid with Dots on Right
Solid with Ts on Left
Solid with Ts on Right
Solid with Rectangles on Left
Solid with Rectangles on Right
Solid with Squares on Left
Solid with Squares on Right
Half Circles (Tightly Spaced, Left Only)
Half Circles (Tightly Spaced, Right Only)
Half Circles (Widely Spaced, Left Only)
Half Circles (Widely Spaced, Right Only)
Solid with Diamonds on Left
Solid with Diamonds on Right
V Track (Opens Towards End of Null Line)
V Track (Opens Towards Start of Null Line)
C Track (Opens Towards End of Line)
C Track (Opens Towards Start of Line)
Arrow Track (Points Towards Start of Line)
Arrow Track (Points Towards End of Line)
V Track (Opens Towards End of Solid Line)
V Track (Opens Towards Start of Solid Line)
Solid with Xs through Line
Solid with Diamonds along Line
Solid with Empty Diamonds along Line
Solid with Circles along Line
Solid with Empty Circles along Line
Solid with Arrow Pointing to Start
Solid with Arrow Pointing to End
Solid with Empty Circle at Start
Solid with Empty Circle at End
Solid with Black Edges